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Its not always easy!
Even for the seasoned carriage driver
Another New Carriage !
Custom Build Varnished Hickory
- Comfort of mind!
Secure in the knowledge of warranties liabilities and reputation
- Choose from over 80 different models, from authentic reproduction Mail Coaches to the smallest mini Shetland competition carriages
- Traditional - Pleasure - Competition - Commercial - Antique - Specialised
Disabled Builds and more
- Unbeatable quality of build and design, these
carriages are superb in all respects.
- Sizing is important: It is extremely important when purchasing a carriage that the correct size is established for your pony – horse etc harm may be caused to you, your horse and others if incorrect
- Generally Correct Sizing: Is achieved by matching a variation of frame and wheel size to the height and build of your horse - Pony, a reputable carriage should help guide you!
- Our Aim: Is to make your purchase as easy as possible – Help in choosing the best horse carriage model and size – to the best method of getting it delivered
- Worldwide Delivery by Road Rails and Sea

Unbeatable quality of build and design.
Features Include:
- Over 80 different models: From authentic reproduction Mail Coaches to the smallest mini Shetland competition carriages.
- Over 600 carriages: A year sold worldwide between us and our European partner.
- Our aim: Is to make your purchase as easy as possible – Help in choosing the best horse carriage model and size – to the best method of getting it delivered
Online |

Unbeatable quality of build and design.
Features Include:
- Please contact us!: If you require antique carriages General advice on purchasing a used horse carriage from sources other than a reputable company.
- Carriage Driving: As a sport hobby and commercial venture is rapidly increasing in the U.K
, but there is a shortage of good quality well designed used carriages!
- Would you be apprehensive ?: About buying a used kit car knocked up in some ones back shed ? ask lots of questions be sure the carriage is the appropriate size and type of carriage, incorrect choice can result in accidents.
- If you are taking up carriage driving: For the first time join a club or society and seek advice
Online |

Unbeatable quality of build and design.
Features Include:
- Please contact us!: If you require antique carriages General advice on purchasing a used horse carriage from sources other than a reputable company.
- Traditional and Used: Call For Quotes
New Build Reproduction and antique
- New Gigs - Two Wheel Carriages: Approx Price Range Model Options :- Colour , Pneumatic or solid wheels, pneumatic or sprung suspension and much more !
- Carriages for the disabled: Alterations and adaption's to accommodate most physical disabilities
- Worldwide Delivery by Road Rails and Sea
Online |

Unbeatable quality of build and design.
Features Include:
- Please contact us!: If you require antique carriages General advice on purchasing a used horse carriage from sources other than a reputable company.
- New Shetland Pony Carriages: Model Options :- Colour , Pneumatic or solid wheels, pneumatic or sprung suspension , wood panelling, disk brakes, and much more !
- Sizing is important: It is extremely important when purchasing a carriage that the correct size is established for your pony – horse etc harm may be caused to you, your horse and others if incorrect
- Generally Correct Sizing: Is achieved by matching a variation of frame and wheel size to the height and build of your horse - Pony, a reputable carriage should help guide you!
- Carriages for the disabled: Alterations and adaption's to accommodate most physical disabilities
- Worldwide Delivery by Road Rails and Sea
Online |

Unbeatable quality of build and design.
Features Include:
- Please contact us!: If you require antique carriages General advice on purchasing a used horse carriage from sources other than a reputable company.
- New Pony - Cob Carriages: Model Options :- Colour , Pneumatic or solid wheels, pneumatic or sprung suspension , wood panelling, disk brakes, and much more !
- Sizing is important: It is extremely important when purchasing a carriage that the correct size is established for your pony – horse etc harm may be caused to you, your horse and others if incorrect
- Generally Correct Sizing: Is achieved by matching a variation of frame and wheel size to the height and build of your horse - Pony, a reputable carriage should help guide you!
- Carriages for the disabled: Alterations and adaption's to accommodate most physical disabilities
- Worldwide Delivery by Road Rails and Sea
Online |

Unbeatable quality of build and design.
Features Include:
- Please contact us!: If you require antique carriages General advice on purchasing a used horse carriage from sources other than a reputable company.
- New Cob Horse: Single Pairs Team Carriages
Model Options :- Colour , Pneumatic or solid wheels, pneumatic or sprung suspension , wood panelling, disk brakes, and much more !
- Sizing is important: It is extremely important when purchasing a carriage that the correct size is established for your pony – horse etc harm may be caused to you, your horse and others if incorrect
- Generally Correct Sizing: Is achieved by matching a variation of frame and wheel size to the height and build of your horse - Pony, a reputable carriage should help guide you!
- Carriages for the disabled: Alterations and adaption's to accommodate most physical disabilities
- Worldwide Delivery by Road Rails and Sea
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Barouche Berlin Brake Britzka Brougham Buggy Cabriolet Calash Cape cart Cariole Carryall Chaise Chariot Clarence Coach Coupé Croydon Curricle Dogcart Dos-à-dos Drag (carriage) Dray Droshky (Drozhki) Fiacre Fly Four-in-hand Gharry Gig Gladstone Hackney Hansom Herdic Jaunting car Landau Limousine Mail coach One-horse carriage Park Drag Phaeton Post chaise Randem Ratha Road Coach Rockaway Spider phaeton Stagecoach Stanhope Sulky Surrey Tarantass (Tarantas) Telega Tilbury Trap Victoria Village cart Vis-à-vis Voiturette Wagonette Whim Whiskey paste new item here, or delete this text